We are


After two years of research and development was founded in 2010 to Faaftech, since then we work to always offer differentiated and quality products,
we currently have a full line of interfaces for steering wheel controls, amplifier interfaces, and accessories for automotive audio and video systems.

We have projects developed specifically for OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) line, where we serve radios and assemblers manufacturers, thus our interfaces equip factory vehicles, reducing the costs of development and production of specific radios.

In recent years we have expanded our activities to also serve the automotive audio and video systems integration market, with interfaces that add new features such as unlocking video on the go, rear camera input, Digital TV, DVD and GPS as well as rear screens.

In order to offer our customers complete and superior quality solutions, we have recently developed a line of accessories consisting of digital TV receivers, DVD players and GPS BOX modules. Besides the quality, the great differential of this line of accessories is the total integration with our interfaces.


Faaftech exists to offer innovative, competitive and quality technological solutions, generating opportunities for our partners and employees, satisfaction for our clients and return to investors.


Our vision guides our way to ensuring a good performance of our products and services.

People: Ensure that every Faaftech team has an environment that offers satisfactory working conditions for good performance and personal growth, as we see our employees as partners in our success.

Portfolio: To expand, innovate and follow trends and needs of the automotive market, always ahead, with 100% national products, guaranteeing quality and efficiency of our products.

Partners: Walk side by side with our partners, collaborating for a mutual and promising growth.

Planet: To be a sustainable company, guaranteeing to society and nature the benefits gained from our growth.

Profit: Positioning as one of the largest companies providing profitable automotive solutions in Brazil.


  • Customer satisfaction
  • Job
  • Ethic
  • Innovation
  • Quality

Quality Policy

Faaftech is a company that develops, produces and markets automotive solutions, seeks to serve stakeholders with quality products, with the participation of its professionals and suppliers / suppliers applying continuous improvement.


In the year 2015, Faaftech was certified by IQA (Institute of Automotive Quality) by ISO 9001: 2008 and demonstrating the continuous search to offer quality products we are in the process of ISO 9001: 2015 certification

Certificação ISO9001  



Câmera instalada no seu Argo a partir de R$499,00

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